I went out with a friend late Friday p.m. downtown. We went to Dunkin Doughnuts to chat a while then watched a movie. Sarah Jessica Parker took a swipe at Sarah Palin and the couples confession of their “mistake” of sleeping around turned me off. Other than that, it was a good movie and good company. My friend drove me to the bus station. I took the 2 a.m. bus to Incheon and arrived about 5:30 a.m. for my 9 a.m. flight. Upon arriving at Taipei, I took the bus to the city and sat behind two talkative people, quite annoying if you ask me. I went to the tourist information center and asked where were certain sites and information on train tickets. I went straight to the National Palace Museum. On the bus to there, I met people from the UK who were working in Hong Kong. This museum is famous because it has a lot of artifacts from China. There were many tour groups from the mainland (China) and other westerners. It mainly had pottery, carvings, and things from everyday life. Next, I went to Shinil night market. This market is famous so I though I’d check it out. There was a Christian band playing on the stage. There were stands that would juice up any fruit or vegetable, so I chose star fruit, which was quite tasty. I ate a small bowl of rice and chicken I think. It was getting late afternoonish so I went to Taipei 101 (tallest building in the world or used to be). It was a bit cloudy so a little hard to see. I took a taxi to my hostel. My driver was watching Taiwan's version of American Idol on the tv. He let me out at the MRT station close to the hostel, but he didn’t tell me where it was. I had to ask several people before finding it.
Sunday, Jan 31
I got up early and went to Chiang Kia Shek Memorial. My hostel MRT goes directly there, which is much easier than taking a bus. There were several elegantly designed buildings. There was a courtyard which was surrounded by the buildings. I went in one with many steps and displayed a statue of Shek. Upstairs was pictures and other memorabilia. In the MRT underground I met a group of students who wanted to show me a magic card trick. The student said she wanted to find someone who is handsome and is over 150 cm (I am 180 cm). She wanted me to sign my name, so I wrote it in Korean. They couldn't’t believe I could write in Korean.
Monday, Feb 1
I took the slow train to Hualian early Monday. I met a guy from Austria at the tourist information center at the train station. It turns out he is studying in Hong Kong. He kept saying that Taroko Gorge reminded him of the mountains at his home, ie the Alps. The first city bus to the gorge wouldn’t leave for another two hours or so, so we decided to take a taxi. The taxi driver stopped at every site for a few minutes. We took pictures and took in the scenery. Some of the gorge pathway was closed because of rocks falling. Everyone had to wear a hard hat before entering. I heard someone was killed when a rock fell on their head a day earlier, they were not wearing a hard hat. Although, I don’t know how much a hat would’ve helped, probably just extended their life another few seconds. After a day at the gorge, Erwin and I took a bus into town to the night market. The girl at the tourist booth said they’re having a really big market for 15 days leading up to Lunar New Year. The market was set up like a fair with tents lined up. There were vendors selling food and trinkets and there was a big stage across the way too. When I was in Kaoisuing, we watched a singing competition from Hualian on that stage I believe. I bought a couple of trinkets that the Aborigines made. We came up to a stand selling hot dogs (corn dogs to us). Erwin bought one and I asked what the brown liquid in the water bottles was. That’s when a 20 year old girl came up and started talking to us. She lived in Singapore for 6 years. She knows English decently enough. It turns out it was black tea, sweat at that. Can you believe it? I got a cup, I should’ve bought a liter but didn’t have a way to carry it. Erwin, from Austria had to get back to the train station to get back to the airport later. We tried to get on the bus at the market, but he didn’t want to take us. We finally convinced the second driver to give us a ride back to the bus station. From the station, we took a taxi to the train station. My train didn’t leave until 9 p.m. so I got a snack from 7-11 and sat a spell. I took a train to Taitung in order to go to Green Island the next day. My train arrived about 12:30 a.m. and then I took a taxi to a motel. For some reason some people don’t want to try to communicate before they call the English help phone number. I go to this motel late at night and the lady is asking me stuff. I just want a room, there is no conversation required. I give you money, you give me the key. But, she called the English help line, the guy was helpful. I told him I wanted a wake up call the next morning and could she call a taxi for me. I went upstairs, but the lights weren’t working. I went back downstairs to try to express “no lights” and point at the light in the ceiling. She got the picture and flipped the switch.
Tuesday, Feb 2
Early the next morning the phone rang, but no one said anything. I figured it was the clerk calling to wake me up. I went downstairs and the taxi driver was waiting for me. He drove me to the ferry port of Taitung. From here I would take a ferry to Green Island. It turns out that the taxi driver w From here I would take a ferry to Green Island. It turns out that the taxi driver was related to or friends with a lady who ran a little restaurant there. She is from Singapore and has been in Taiwan for 6 years now. She negotiated for me in buying a ferry ticket and booked a hotel room for the night. There were many boats that have seen their fair share of fishing duty. Most of them small either blue or red colors on them. I met a family knew some English and translated for me from time to time. I got on board the ferry and climbed to the top deck. I have been on ferries before, albeit much bigger than this one. This one was rather small, hence the ever present barf bag. We had our share of ‘turbulence’ but nothing too major like on the ferry I took to the Hebrides in Scotland. The ride was only about an hour or so. A guy from the hotel met us at the ferry terminal. He drove us to the hotel in a golf cart. This guy knew some English, but not a whole lot. I wanted to rent a scooter, but after trying it out, decided against it because I couldn’t balance it. I opted for a golf cart. It cost 300 New Taiwan Dollars, not a bad deal for two days. I took a load off in the room then started driving around the island. I stopped and took some pictures. There was a lot of volcanic rocks strewn about on the coast. I saw some fisherman on the rocks, no doubt hunting clams or other animals that liked to cling to something. I also bought a ticket to the hot springs. This is famous because there is only about three in the world. There is one on the beach and one in a shelter up the beach a ways. I drove by the infamous Green Island prison. This is where Taiwan’s political prisoners were sent back in the day. Now, it is a memorial and museum to those people. I stopped at the Family Mart and got some lunch and then I headed over to the hot springs. I went to the one in the shelter because I didn’t have any sandals and also a kid told me it was dirty. Her mother corrected her by saying it had seaweed in it. It was 26 C and rising. It was relaxing. I drove back and drove through the main drag in town. I spotted a street vendor that caught my attention so I pulled over. I picked up fried chicken and fish, it was fresh and quite tasty. I went back to the hotel lobby and ate there. The lobby had wi-fi, so I perused the net. I asked the guy from the hotel if I can use the phone to call my friend in Taiwan. He dialed the number and I talked to Julie for a bit. The next morning I knocked around and noticed a new shipment of people from the ferry just arrived. I saw these two people who were hobo-ing it. This guy had dreadlocks, and he was white. I passed by them and asked if wanted a lift. It turns out they are from Australia and on a month long backpacking trip through southeast Asia before he starts work in Canada. I drove them around the island and had lunch. He said he would like to travel around the U.S. and see bands play and go to the ‘burning man’ thing somewhere in the south west. This has to do with spirtualism, new age stuff. The boat ride back was uneventful. The family I met earlier gave me a lift to the train station. It turns out that they live in Kyoushung, where I’m heading in a few days. They said maybe they’ll see me there. I got a ticket to a city and then I have to take a bus down to Kenting. Kenting is a popular beach, but trains don’t go there. It’s always interesting playing charades with people. It’s much easier in Korea, maybe because the hand gestures aren’t the same in Taiwan. Before I got on the train I met two university students who help me with directions. They gave me their digits so they said they will show me around their city, Donggang. One girl is in the Air Force university majoring in airplane maintainence. When I arrived in the city I asked where the bus stations was, and the guy pointed past the 7-11. There was so many 7-11s, especially in Taipei. There was one on every corner, it was just insane. And contrary to Korea, they do have slushes. I asked some kids which bus I should take, so they motioned I should get on with them. I wasn’t sure how long the bus ride would take so I asked the driver a few times where I should get off. After an hour or so, he said ‘hello.’ That was my cue. The street was bustling with street vendors and young people walking about the street. I found this hostel in the travel book, a catholic hostel at that. In the rooms there was a crucifix over the bed, kind of creepy. This was the nicest hostel I have stayed at. It looked like a hotel, but no towels. It was a good thing I brought my super absorbent towel. I got it at a outdoor store in Daegu before leaving. There was every conceivable food and trinket shop lining the main drag. I thought it was interesting that KFC had several magazines for your reading pleasure. I decided to get a neck/shoulder massage. This guy put some cream on my neck and began to really work it in. It was painful at times.
Wednesday, Feb 3
I set out to go to the aquarium. I got on the bus and headed out that way. The place was just ok, nothing special. I just beat the hordes of tour groups from the mainland. I forgot to mention that Julie said to be sure that you have fresh fruit juice. There are many stands that juice it. I had strawberry juice several times. It was amazing during the day the street was deserted. I walked down to the beach and took some photos and saw a ubiquitious 7-11. I headed over and got a tv dinner Taiwan style. The great thing about getting it at a convenience store is they heat it up for you. I never would’ve thought of going to a ‘gas station’ for lunch, but it’s quite easy and convenient. I asked the lady at the hostel if there was a washing machine. She led me to a sink in the courtyard and showed me how to rub the clothes together. That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. But, I was out of clean clothes so I had to do it. Then she showed me the ‘drying machine’ which was basically a spinner. It had no heat, it just spun around.
Friday, Feb 5
I took a bus f rom Kenting to Donggang (1 ½ hours) to meet Dora. I got there early so I tried to find an ATM. I went in this one building, but it looked like they were trading stoks. Dora rode up on a scooter wite her mom and her friend arrived in a few. Then, we went to find a bank. The American card worked but not Korean one. 7-11 doesn’t take Korean ones. The 2 girls led me through the market and we ate. We had fish soup with sliced pork and rice cake, surprisingly good but I couldn’t finish it. This place had 2 parots chained up by the ankle and a budha shrine. Dora and I got on bus where we met a Chinese woman who just got back from L.A. She lived in the US for 30 years and she had an opinion on US politics and war. It’s easy to have opinions when you don’t live there. So, she translated for me to Dora. Dora is in an Air Force University and majoring in airplane maintenance. We met Tracy (from Taitung) and another girl at Kyuoushung bus station. We took the bus close to the harbor. I tried ‘buba’ tea, not bubble. We got on the boat for $15 for a short boat ride. There was random vendors along the coast. We stopped in a handicraft store and they bought me stuff. We went in the tourist building to ask about a hostel I saw in the travel book. We went to a big market. It was really crowded with people and vendors. The girls said this restaurant there is famous for its dish ‘bo pi.’ It had chicken/steak with noodles, fried egg and corn soup. It was excellent and cheap, only $100. So 100NT = $30USD, not bad eh. Dora saw her friend there, turns out this guy runs marathons. He offered to give me a ride to the hostel. Taiwanese are the most helpful people of anay country I’ve been to.
Saturday, Feb 6
A French guy came in the room really late and was still asleep when I left this a.m. 7:30 or so. I tok the MRT to K main station and ate a sesame seed flaky sandwich (KFC) and looked at a tourist map. I decided to check out the basilica and fish statue. I was disappointed in the basilica, not much to look at. I walked down the river front. The city had decorations for Chinese New Years out. I cam upon a big area with tables and chairs, even better there was wi-fi. I stayed there an hour or more. It was quiet until Chinese tourists descended, but they left soon there after. It was getting towards 2 p.m. and I haven’t eaten lunch yet, so I took the MRT to the shopping district. I went in a department store and took the escalator up all 15 floors. The first 7 were women and they had Korean food for sale on the top floor. The girl didn’t know any Korean, but they dressed up in traditional Korean dresses. The food court was B2 and I had ravioli and omelette, strange combination I know. It had fries too and corn soup, always good.
Sunday, Feb 7
I stayed at a hostel in K. The neighborhood all looks the same. I got up and watched the first half of the super bowl, then rode with Melissa (hostel manager) and her parents to their church. We got there a few minutes early. There was a handful of foreigners there. No one even acknowledged I was there until I was ready to leave, some church this was. I went to the shopping district MRT stop and went in the department store. I kept going up the escalator and saw a door leading to a balcony of sorts. There was a good vantage poing from about 14F. Then, I came upon a huge bookstore. I started reading ‘Yes Man.” I was not even 30 pages in and I already noticed differences between the book and movie.
Monday, Feb 8
I took the high speed rail to Taipei. It was good to be back in familiar territory. I booked the same hostel as before. There is a big downtown area close by. My train came in about 12, so I went to see what was playing at the movies. I bought a ticket for ‘From Paris with Love.” It’s another shoot ‘em up movie, but at the beginning of it the guy’s partner lays into the French, ‘we saved your tails in 2 world wars and you still hate us.’ I checked into my hostel, then walked a bit downtown to find some grub. I saw a pushcart for ‘helal.’ It had meat cooking on a huge skewer. I finally found the stand awhile later. Man, was it tasty, especially with freshly squeezed strawberry juice. Back at the hostel I watched some kung fu movies with 2 fellow Americans. One as it turns out is from Taylors. He lived in Silverleaf, Riverside and USC. It was all good until our conversation broached politics. Apparently he is a liberal and can’t see why people don’t like Obama and his politics. He hates Sarah Palin and the only reason he gave is “she is conservative and christian.” And to top it off both guys say that Keith Oberman is logical and unbiased and Bill O’Reilly is illogical. I though it a bit humerous when we talked health car that a guy from Norway was in the room, which has universal health care. He said Norway has gone crazy with government control. May I present exhibit A of what happens when government start to take over more and more programs.
Tuesday, Feb 9
I went to McDonald’s for breakfast and ordered on 1F. They make it on 2F and send it down the choot. I went to the MRT station to get directions. I wanted to go to ‘Bongos’ that I saw in Lonely Planet. The directions were not good to say the least. Finally a civilian walked with me to the place for about 20 minutes. We turned here and there, it was definitely not straight as I was told. I read this place sells used sci-fi books as well. I ordered chicken quesodillas with peach ice tea. They put the salsa and sour cream in the same little ramican. It turns out the owner is Canadian. He had a whole lot of books. I got 2, one by heilein “Glory Road” and another random sci-fi book. As I I walked out Taipei tech university was across the street. I decided to walk a bit and find a place to sit and read. I saw tennis courts ahead and plopped down. Those guys had horrible form. I cam back to the hostel then went to the infamous snake alley. I was disappointed from all the stories I heard about it. There were snakes but in cages. No snake handling or offering tourists snake blood to drink. I cam back downtown and to the subway. I met an Australian couple from Brisbane at the subway sandwich shop that is. They were on a cruise from Malaysia.